Sunday, October 5, 2014

In the beginning

In the beginning

I was raised in the Lutheran Church as was one of those children who loved going to Sunday school while my parents were in church.  I sang in the choir, was active in the youth groups, worked at Church camp and immersed myself into friendships with other Christian friends while I was growing up.
I was lucky in that my High School years were relatively innocent and easy.  Transitioning into College, I felt my faith begin to be tested more.  My first year of college I went to a Christian college and felt some of the hypocrisy that goes on between what is being preached on the campus and what was going on within the campus.  There was serious drinking going on to the point where people were passed out and the campus minister was at the parties trying to fit in drinking with the students.  That year was a very confusing unhappy time for me.  Although there were many friends from my church attending this college, I felt very alone and did not like what I saw.  I became disillusioned and decided to go to the University of Minnesota. 
At the University of Minnesota I did not expect people to behave like “Christian’s” and met friends from all walks of life and many faiths.  It was a melting pot and it became easy to fall into the same traps other students were falling into drinking and partying.  I became aware that I was drifting from God and did not feel as anchored or secure in the promises of my childhood faith.  I rarely attended church and felt once more like I was drifting.
I married in my early 20’s my high school sweetheart and we settle comfortably into the yuppie lifestyle surrounded by stuff.  My father in law was a minister but we rarely attended his church and felt under the microscope when we did.  It wasn’t until we had our two boys, that I felt the tug at my heart that I needed to get back to my church home and my roots. 
My childhood church is a wonderful secure place where things don’t change much.  People may come and go but the church ( Mount Olivet Lutheran Church in Minneapolis) is very much the same.  Buildings may be built but the roots of the church and what it stands for are there.  My husband and I attended Mount Olivet, my children went to camp, and life was good until the bottom dropped out.  10 years ago my husband was killed in a car crash and this is where the story of my faith really begins. 
There was no going back…I had two boys to raise and I knew that the only way I was going to survive was by putting my trust and faith in God.  My faith journey has been an adventure and my faith has been continuously tested along the way.  This blog is going to be my way of sharing my prayers to God and his promises that are found in the Bible to his people.  We are all his people and all have the opportunity to have a relationship with him through his son, Jesus Christ, who is my Lord.
There is hymn that I recall from my childhood

God hath not promised skies always blue,
Flower-strewn pathways all our lives through;
God hath not promised sun without rain,
Joy without sorrow, peace without pain
But God hath promised strength for the day,
Rest for the labor, light for the way,
Grace for the trials, help from above,
  Unfailing sympathy, undying love.

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